Dorfplatz Oberndorf
Village Centre and Meeting Place

Rarely enough does the opportunity arise to design a new square in the centre of the village. This masterpiece was achieved between the municipal office, the church and the village inn. And we designed the spatial framework for the new fountain sculpture by Peter Semperboni, which recalls the long history of mining in Oberndorf. The bronze plaques embedded in the three-dimensionally shaped runbinia wood bench also tell of mining. Each plaque stands for one of the historical tunnels of the village. Their different depths are represented by the respective heights of the plaque and blend into the lovingly designed granite paving. Beautiful details are the occasional diabase stone slabs from the local hard stone factory and the lights, also designed in bronze. The particularly atmospheric lighting of the square emphasises the dialogue between the fountain sculpture and the bench and the encounter between people and history.

Collaborator: Stefan Milenkovic

Artist: Peter Semperboni

Lights: Light factory Halotech

Bench: Holzbau Lengauer-Stockner

Photos: Schreyer David